How does the Groow method work?

The Groow method makes DBL practically applicable for education. To apply the Groow method you need the following components.

The Groow toolkit

The toolkit contains all kinds of functional building blocks, such as process steps, activities and experiences. With these bricks you build a process for all your projects, challenges and designs. To give you an impression of the toolkit, here is a brief explanation of the building blocks.

The start and endpoint

These are the building blocks that indicate the start and end point. The starting point is the start of your project. Before you start it is important that the beginning is clear. You describe your design and research question at the point of departure.
You also think of the end point at the beginning of your process so that you know roughly where you want to go. You describe your delivery goal at the end point.

The process steps

The process steps are the main features of your process.
Understand, discover, design, create and share. These process steps ensure that it is clear in which phase you are in your process. In this way you determine with which mindset and attitude you want to approach this part of the process. When you get to the next process step, you change your mindset or attitude.

The activities

The activity building blocks form the content of your process.
These 44 building blocks contain illustrations with different colors. The color indicates which process step the activity can best be applied to. Each activity is explained on the online platform.

The Groow planboard

Build your planning around your Groow process, with deadlines and task divisions.
The planboard gives you an overview and teaches you how to make a planning in a visually tangible way. Write down your questions, write down who does what, make a time schedule.
Do you prefer to work or store everything digitally? No problem! Everything that can be done on the physical magnetic planboard can also be done on the platform.

De proces scanner

In het Groow platform vind je de proces scanner. Met deze slimme scanner kun je moeiteloos jouw fysiek gebouwde Groow processen digitaliseren. Richt de scanner op jouw gemaakte proces en binnen enkele seconden kun je online aan de slag om jouw project te verdiepen en samen te werken.

The Groow platform

Continue digitally where you left off physically. The Groow platform contains all the functions you need to successfully apply DBL. In the library you will find Groowtorials, these tutorials tell you how to get started with Groow. Build, collaborate and share your processes. Reflect on your development and create your unique portfolio.
Discover a number of advantages of working with the Groow platform here.

Easy collaboration

Teachers can easily track the processes of all their students. Students have access to their personal platform where they can build their own projects, alone or in groups.

Immerse yourself in the digital workplace

In the workshop you will find your own projects and training courses. Here you can add evidence, communicate and always find your entire process. You can visually summarize all your results and share them with the show portfolio.

A quality view of your growth

You will find your development in your growth portfolio. Here, all projects and reflections are collected. All data is translated into your own growth overview. This shows exactly which skills you have developed while carrying out your projects and how you experienced this. This gives the lecturer, supervisor and student a good picture of the growth and progress. 

Discover all the features

Groow is full of great features to make design-based learning and project-based work practically applicable. Discover all the features with the free trial account.

Buy the Groow method

Order the Groow toolkit, planboard and licenses.

Groow toolkit €189
Groow planboard €99
Student licenses €7 annually

Training for you and your team

Whether you're just starting out with design-based learning or want to go deeper with Groow. Our workshops will help you and your team further. Curious how we can activate your team? Request a workshop session and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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